
Press Conference

Disclosures:Brooks, Friedman and Walke report no relevant financial disclosures.
2 min read

CDC says COVID-19 quarantine can end after 10 days, or 7 days with negative test


Press Conference

Disclosures:Brooks, Friedman and Walke report no relevant financial disclosures.
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In new guidance, the CDC said people exposed to COVID-19 who are asymptomatic can quarantine for 10 days instead of 14, and for 7 days if they receive a negative test result.

Previous guidance said all people exposed to an infected person should quarantine for 14 days.

HenryWalke, MD, MPH,director of CDC’s Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, said the goal of the new guidance is to increase compliance with quarantine protocols and potentially alleviate the economic burden on those who cannot meet the 14-day quarantine period.

美国疾病控制和预防中心基地soadvised against any holiday travel。但是,对于那些决定旅行的人,该机构建议旅行者在1至3天前1至3天接受Covid-19测试,而从旅行返回后3至5天。



The United States has surpassed 13.7 million cases and 272,000 deaths from COVID-19, according to tracking by Johns Hopkins University.

“Cases are rising, and the safest thing to do is to postpone holiday travel and stay home,”saidCindy Friedman, MD,疾病预防控制中心旅行者健康部门负责人。“在感恩节上,旅行量很高,即使只有一小部分旅行者被无症状感染,这也可以转化为成千上万的其他感染,从一个社区转移到另一个社区。”

John T. Brooks, MD,chief medical officer for the CDC’s COVID-19 response, said the quarantine revision came in response to data that showed a risk of 1% with an upper limit of 12% for the 10-day quarantine period, and 5% with an upper limit of 10% for a 7-day quarantine period with a negative test result.

The new guidance came in the wake of a13-1 voteby the CDC’S Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to prioritize health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities to receive aCOVID-19 vaccinewhen one is authorized.

“We're all very concerned about the rise in hospitalizations across the country,” Walke said. “We want to prevent these hospitalizations as best we can, and one of the best ways to prevent hospital strain is for people to keep from becoming infected in the first place.”


CDC. When to quarantine.。Accessed December 2, 2020.

Press Conference