Disclosures:Healio Psychiatry was unable to confirm relevant financial disclosures at time of reporting.
February 11, 2021
1 min read

Researchers identify pathways between youth trauma, psychotic phenomena in adulthood

Disclosures:Healio Psychiatry was unable to confirm relevant financial disclosures at time of reporting.
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Distinct psychological pathways may exist between developmental trauma during childhood and/or adolescence and psychotic phenomena in adulthood, according to results of a systematic review and meta-analysis published inWorld Psychiatry.

“Most research to date has investigated the relationships between trauma and psychotic symptoms in general, rather than specific psychotic symptom domains,”Michael A.P. Bloomfield, PhD,MRCPsych,of the Division of Psychiatry at University College London, and colleagues wrote. “Understanding the psychological processes associated with specific psychotic symptoms in the context of [developmental trauma] has the potential to lead to improved treatments, including both psychotherapies and pharmacotherapies.”

The investigators aimed to conduct a systematic review of the literature, as well as to use meta-analytic techniques to elucidate the potential effects of psychological processes on the links between developmental trauma and specific psychotic experiences, such ashallucinations, delusions and paranoia. They searched three databases and included 22 studies.

Results showed dissociation, emotional dysregulation and PTSD symptoms played mediating roles betweendevelopmental traumaand hallucinations. Further, they observed evidence of a mediating role of negative schemata, such as mental constructs of meanings, between developmental trauma and delusions, as well as paranoia. Bloomfield and colleagues noted that a significant number of prior studies were of “poor quality” and that this research area has been limited by mostly cross-sectional research.

“临床医生应该仔细询问人们心理osis about their history of developmental trauma, and screen patients with such a history for dissociation, emotional dysregulation and PTSD symptoms,” the researchers wrote. “Well-conducted research with prospective designs, including neurocognitive assessment, is required in order to fully understand the biopsychosocial mechanisms underlying the association between developmental trauma and psychosis.”